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Plugin Overview

The MightyMeld plugin only needs to be run in environments where you plan to use MightyMeld, such as your local development environment. We recommend not running it in production by configuring the plugin to only load when the MIGHTYMELD environment variable is set.

Either load the Babel plugin @mightymeld/runtime/babel-plugin-mightymeld or the SWC plugin @mightymeld/runtime/swc-plugin-mightymeld based on the technology your app uses.

Framework-specific instructions:

Which framework am I using?

The easiest way to tell is by checking your package.json scripts. Each framework uses a specific command:

  • Vite uses vite.
  • Next.js uses next.
  • Create React App uses react-scripts.

Which plugin should I use?

Babel is the traditional compilation tool for web projects. SWC is much faster but much newer, and plugin support is still experimental. We'd suggest using whichever plugin matches with your current build tools.