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My project was working before, and now it isn't

During our beta development phase, we frequently update our npm package. We currently don’t have a system to ensure version numbers match. Try upgrading your npm package by re-installing it:

npm install --save-dev @mightymeld/runtime@latest

I don’t see Tailwind autocomplete in studio (Tailwind Studio mode)

Tailwind Studio mode has the following requirements:

  • The tailwindcss package must be installed in your project (even if your project loads Tailwind via CDN).
  • The @mightymeld/runtime 0.1.45 or later must be installed in your project.
  • Your mightymeld.json file must have the tailwind property set to true.

Try running npx mightymeld tailwind to automate the above.

Also be aware that autocomplete only works on the className attribute.

My app’s sign in or other features don’t work when inside MightyMeld

Browsers block some features from working when your app is inside an iframe. The most common is third party cookies. If your app uses cookies for authentication, you might not be able to sign in when inside MightyMeld. Here are some things you can do:

  1. Sign in to your app in a separate tab, then refresh the page inside MightyMeld.

  2. Make sure your cookies have the SameSite=None and Secure attributes set. In some browsers, you will also need to either serve your app over HTTPS or adjust your privacy settings.

MightyMeld isn’t talking to your app

When the "trying to connect" message doesn't disappear within a few seconds of your app appearing, use this checklist to get things working.

I see a blank white page where my app should be

Your app might be blocked by your browser. Especially if you are using Safari, you might not see the usual warning message but you should still follow the checklist here.

Error: spawn UNKNOWN appears in the terminal

MightyMeld uses Node's built-in spawn command to launch your app and execute other processes such as git commands. If spawn can't launch processes, this error appears.

There are many potential causes for this error. Anti-virus software, broken Node.js installations, and other factors can lead to this error. Please search online for posts such as this one to resolve this issue with your system.

Cannot find module @babel/types

You might see an error like this:

Error: [BABEL]: Cannot find module '@babel/types'

You can fix this by installing the missing module:

npm install --save-dev @babel/types

SyntaxError: Unexpected token import

If you get an error about your app using an import statement only when MightyMeld is running your app, you might need to exclude the file mentioned by the error.

  "exclude": ["src/file-mentioned-in-error.js"],

Autocomplete doesn't work

This may happen if MightyMeld Studio cannot establish a connection to the box your web app is running on. If you are not running your app on localhost, use the local_domain option to point MightyMeld to the right location.